CONNECT young professional organizations and individuals to advance a statewide network.
Gain access to YP leaders from across the state
Premier networking opportunities at YPIowa Conference
Build strong relationships with elected officials
EDUCATE young professionals on the importance of their involvement in the growth of their communities.
Provide an opportunity for YP leaders from across the state to learn from one another and share insight on running a successful YP organization.
Learn about the challenges facing YPs across the state and with a collective voice enact solutions to ensure the strength of all Iowa communities.
Provide educational opportunities that help YPs learn and grow through events and communication channels.
ENGAGE young professionals with opportunities across the state of Iowa.
Assist in starting YP organizations in communities that need a stronger youth presence.
Facilitate a strong community of Young Professionals through various social media platforms.
Provide leadership development opportunities for local young professionals.
INFORM young professionals about conversations happening throughout Iowa
Provide access to various Young Professionals networks across the state.
Share issues facing the different counties across Iowa.
Showcase the potential and possibilities within our state.
RETAIN young professionals in the state of Iowa and in their communities
Establish the next group of community leaders across the state.
Create connections between Young Professionals and their local businesses.
Highlight the quality of life that our Iowa communities have to offer.